This time, a string concatenation has occurred within the same method, and the input parameter is now bound to a String type argument at function execution time. 这次,相同方法内发生了字符串串联,并且现在输入参数在函数运行时受到String类自变量的限制。
If we place no explicit bound on the parameter, then by default the bound is Object, meaning that we can't call any methods on an instance of the bound that don't appear in class Object. 如果没有对参数设定显式的范围,那么缺省情况下范围是Object,这意味着我们不能调用范围实例在Object中未曾出现的任何方法。
As a lower bound on mean square error of parameter estimate, the Cram é r-Rao lower bound ( CRLB) is generally used to decide to what degree a suboptimal estimate method is close to its optimal fashion. 克拉美-罗下限(CRLB)作为参数估计所能达到的最低误差限,常被用来衡量算法估计性能的优劣程度。
If a parameter is not bound ( and is optional), then the value may be read or updated at any time. 如果一个参数没有被绑定(可选参数),那么它的值可以在任何时候被读写。
In a computer program, a parameter that controls branching and is bound prior to the branch point being reached. 在计算机程序中,控制转移并在到达转移点之前必须置值的参数。
To establish an initial condition, such as the control values of a loop, or the value to which a parameter is to be bound. 建立一种初始状态,诸如置一个循环的控制值或者置一个参数赋的值。
To get robust algorithm of parameter estimation, the lower bound of uncertain parts generated by uncertain observation matrix in the expression of the error covariance matrix of parameter estimation is given. 参数估计采用了加权最小二乘算法,按照上界不等式对估计误差的协方差阵进行了估计,得到了鲁棒辨识的新算法。
By using Lyapunov function method, the robust absolute stability of uncertain Lurie direct control systems and indirect control systems with structured parameter perturbations and norm bound parameter perturbations are considered respectively, sufficient conditions of the robust absolute stability of the systems are given. 应用Lyapunov函数方法分别讨论了具有结构参数扰动和范数扰动界的不确定Lurie直接控制系统和间接控制系统的绝对鲁棒稳定性,给出了系统鲁棒绝对稳定的充分条件。
In many modeling problems of control and system, such as the identification in L_1 and L_ ∞, the fitting of curves, parameter identification for uncertain system and bound identification can transfer the optimal solution for the increase of constraints to the linear programming. 在控制与系统领域的建模问题中,L1和L∞辨识问题,曲线拟合,不确定性系统参数及其边界的辨识等问题,均可以转化成为增加一个约束对线性规划问题最优解的求解问题。
Singular perturbation parameter stability upper bound computation of maglev system is predigested through MATLAB about complex model and variable parameters of maglev system. 该文针对悬浮系统模型复杂和系统变参数的特点,借助MATLAB简化了磁悬浮系统奇异摄动参数稳定上界的计算。
On basis of Lorentz model, we bring in size parameter into bound electron relaxation time and plasma frequency by analogy with phonon scattering, and build a dielectric particle n and k model which vary with size and wavelength. 在洛伦兹模型基础上,类比声子散射,提出了对束缚电子的等离子体频率和束缚电子弛豫时间引入尺度修正因子,建立了电介质粒子n、k值随波长和粒径变化的尺度效应模型。
This paper proved that in the optimal models with stochastic variables, if the parameter estimation and the optimal solution are separated, the optimal result in practice is bound to be less than that in theory. 证明了在涉及随机变量的最优化模型中,如果将参数估计和最优化求解过程分离,实际得到的最优化结果必然低于理论值,即参数估计在最优化模型中总是造成低效的结果。
It gives the parameter of lime-fly ash stabilized bound macadam and lime-fly ash stabilized soil, so that it can solve the problem of long curing period in the project design. 试验结果表明,通过高温养生可缩短养生龄期,快速地确定二灰碎石和二灰土的设计参数,解决目前工程设计周期长的问题。
In the research of robust H_ ∞ control problem with parameter uncertainty, one of goals with the closed loop system under state or output feedback control is: quadratically stable and guarantee an H_(∞) norm bound constraint on disturbance attenuation for all admissible uncertainties. 在参数不确定性线性系统的鲁棒控制研究中,常用到的一个指标就是使不确定性系统在输出反馈或状态反馈控制下的闭环系统在H∞-范数界γ的条件下的二次稳定。
The performance bounds of scattering center parameter estimation is studied based on the Cram é r-Rao bound ( CRB) of Damped Exponentials ( DE). 本文基于衰减指数和(DE)模型的克拉美-罗限(CRB)研究散射中心参数估计的极限性能。
An effectual method has been obtained through analyzing the other one important parameter ( operation reference voltage) that affects the capacitor under-voltage protection operation in under-voltage bound model on reference [ 1]. 该文在以前研究的基础上,对欠压约束模型中影响电力电容器欠压保护动作电压的另一个重要参数动作参考比较电压进行了理论分析,为问题的解决提供了新的有效途径。
The optimal set of parameter's 'can be searched by minimizing the upper bound of error probability. 然后,在变换矩阵确定的特征空间中搜索最佳的参数s使错误概率上界最小;
Static state feedback controllers required are not only guaranteed to satisfy all closed-loop poles to stay inside a specified region for all ad-missible parameter uncertainties, but also provide an upper bound for the H2 cost function, which is minimized using LMI convex optimization approach. 利用LMI凸优化方法的解,所得静态反馈控制器,不仅保证闭环系统的极点在一给定区域内,而且还使性能指标H2的一上界达到最小。
The full order controllers derived are not only guaranteed to satisfy a pre specified H ∞ disturbance attenuation level for all admissible parameter uncertainties, but also provide an optimized bound for the worst case H 2 cost function. 所推导的满阶控制器对于所有可容许的参数不确定都能满足给定的H∞干扰衰减水平,且为最坏情形H2代价函数提供了一个最优的上界。
Monte Carlo tests show that this method can improve the estimation accuracy significantly and the variance of parameter estimation is close to the Crammer Rao bound. 仿真试验表明,采用该方法估计单分量正弦信号参数时为近似无偏估计,估计误差方差接近CrammerRao界。
The performance analysis of time-frequency detection-estimation algorithms is based on time-frequency distributions. The detection-estimation performance of parameter estimation detection algorithm is analyzed through computing the variance of estimation values and Cramer-Rao Bound. 时频检测估计算法的检测性能分析以时频分布的性能为基础,参数检测估计算法的检测性能通过计算估计值的方差和克拉美-罗界获得。
Since the performance is determined by the constraint parameter, and its choice is analysed and the selecting bound is given. 由于约束参数决定算法的性能,故对约束参数的选择进行了分析,并给出了选取的依据和范围。
Correspondingly, the statistical parameter of vehicle load effect is bound to change. These statistical parameters have significant impacts on the reliability index of structure. 相应的汽车荷载效应的统计参数势必会发生变化,这些统计参数对结构的可靠指标有着重要的影响。